The Importance of Being Small
In the world of Smokers Subscription boxes, SensiBox may be small, but mighty. Here’s a little backstory… I started SensiBox at the suggestion of my oldest son, Zach about 6 years ago. I did the research and said “why not”! There were a lot of growing pains and lessons learned as SensiBox grew. In tandem I slowly grew my social media, specifically - Instagram and Facebook. In all honestly, I really didn’t know wtf I was doing. I felt in a way I was free falling - hoping what I was trying to do would gain some momentum.
At first I tried finding pieces that would work as a theme, thinking that would be a fun thing to receive each month. After a bit, I decided to design my own pieces, that I named “Art of Smoke”.
I went to art school in Boston way back in the 70’s and felt I had the background to create some cool designs. So, I designed my first ceramic pipe and was even written up in Forbes on how my pieces could be left out as art, and people wouldn’t necessarily know it was a pipe. Some of my designs were better received than others. Trust me I take every comment to heart - the good and the bad. I’m always trying to evolve my designs to fit what my subscribers wanted. I get super excited when I recurve emails telling me how much someone looks forward to receiving their SensiBox each month.
I also love that fact that through social media I’ve found a family that supports small, woman-owned business. SensiBox is so small, that it’s run by just one person… from design, curation, fulfillment to shipping and customer service - I do it all! Sometimes it can be daunting, overwhelming and scary!! Will I sink or swim? Will people love my latest design? Will the big guys just swallow me up? All I can do is try my hardest to bring to SensiBox new and unique designs each month.
Through the help of influencers who spread the word of SensiBox each month I hope to get more people to give it a try. Wouldn’t it feel good to help support a small business who truly cares about your input? Someone you can talk to, that’ll answer your questions - that you know by their first name.
I’d love your input… let me know your ideas, wants, and needs in a monthly smokers subscription box. I’ll do my best to make you happy!
Thanks for listening, let’s talk again soon! - Helen